Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fargo Questions

Are they the same as the script? Any changes?

Once watching the opening scene, the opening credits are all the same as the script says but the first scene should show him booking into a hotel for the night and having something to eat. The directors seem to have cut that scene and started the film straight off into meeting the hitmen

Does the script portray what you expect to see in the film?

Yes apart from some changes it still generally stays along the same lines as you read in the script.

What is their name?

As the script goes on you find out their names are Jerry, Carl and Grimsrud

What type of words describes this person?

Jerry comes in and you can see he knows what he wants and how he wants it done with no hiccups, he’s very confident in front of Carl and Grimsrud, 2 people he has never met before. Carl seems to know what he’s doing but I think he’s only landed such a big job by chance and Grimsrud didn’t say much I think he’s more of a bodyguard figure to Carl.

Can you tell from this sequence the role of this character? I.e. are they a protagonist/Antagonist?

You can’t really tell if any of the characters are protagonists, but you can see an antagonist beginning to form in Carl.

How do you know this?

From first appearances and impressions. Not to much is given away at the beginning.

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